What Happens From Death to Burial?
The below process highlighted here is more of a logistical “what happens to my physically body after I die?”. Not so much the scientific breakdown. However I did spend some time reading about this too. Below are two links if curious..
Although eery, the process of a decaying body is strangely fascinating. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20150508-what-happens-after-we-die
Ironically, despite spending a lifetime walking around in the same body and doing our best to care for it, few seem to wonder what happens to their physical remains right after death occurs. https://www.verywellhealth.com/what-happens-to-my-body-right-after-i-die-1132498
Flow chart from death to burial
Funeral home receives notification of death, usually via a phone call from a family member or aged care facility
Funeral director (FD) arranges pick-up of deceased person. Person is transported to mortuary. It is important to note that funeral arrangements cannot be made until a doctor has signed and issued a Death Certificate (in some cases, the Coroner and police may be involved if the death occurred under suspicious circumstances).
The FD meets with family. Forms to be completed (funeral company admin forms and government forms). Funeral arrangements are discussed during this time. The FD/arranger provides an estimate of the cost of the funeral to the family, based on the family’s needs.
The family advises the FD/Arranger as to whether the deceased person has a pacemaker, cardiovascular defibrillator, drug infusion pump or radioactive injectable solutions in their body. These details are important for embalming and cremation. The family must give authorisation for the removal and/or treatment of the body.
The funeral home makes the arrangements for the funeral. The FD may contact a Civil Celebrant. Or alternatively, the family might advise the FD they have a preferred celebrant. The Celebrant is advised 1-2 days after the FD is advised of the death.
Funeral is advertised. Celebrant contacts the family at this stage and begins preparing the service.
Funeral is conducted.
FD registers the death with birth, deaths and marriages
Burial or cremation of the deceased person
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