What Happens From Death to Burial?


The below process highlighted here is more of a logistical “what happens to my physically body after I die?”. Not so much the scientific breakdown. However I did spend some time reading about this too. Below are two links if curious.. 

Although eery, the process of a decaying body is strangely fascinating. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20150508-what-happens-after-we-die

Ironically, despite spending a lifetime walking around in the same body and doing our best to care for it, few seem to wonder what happens to their physical remains right after death occurs. https://www.verywellhealth.com/what-happens-to-my-body-right-after-i-die-1132498

Flow chart from death to burial

  • Funeral home receives notification of death, usually via a phone call from a family member or aged care facility

  • Funeral director (FD) arranges pick-up of deceased person. Person is transported to mortuary. It is important to note that funeral arrangements cannot be made until a doctor has signed and issued a Death Certificate (in some cases, the Coroner and police may be involved if the death occurred under suspicious circumstances). 

  • The FD meets with family. Forms to be completed (funeral company admin forms and government forms). Funeral arrangements are discussed during this time. The FD/arranger provides an estimate of the cost of the funeral to the family, based on the family’s needs. 

  • The family advises the FD/Arranger as to whether the deceased person has a pacemaker, cardiovascular defibrillator, drug infusion pump or radioactive injectable solutions in their body. These details are important for embalming and cremation. The family must give authorisation for the removal and/or treatment of the body. 

  • The funeral home makes the arrangements for the funeral. The FD may contact a Civil Celebrant. Or alternatively, the family might advise the FD they have a preferred celebrant. The Celebrant is advised 1-2 days after the FD is advised of the death. 

  • Funeral is advertised. Celebrant contacts the family at this stage and begins preparing the service. 

  • Funeral is conducted. 

  • FD registers the death with birth, deaths and marriages

  • Burial or cremation of the deceased person

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FUNERALSSally Shipard